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Interagency Committee on Disability Research

Shaping the future of disability research

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Government Wide Inventory


The ICDR is responsible for the development and ongoing maintenance of a searchable government-wide inventory of disability, independent living, and rehabilitation research for trend and data analysis across federal agencies.

To address this mandate, the GWI Working Group has launched the Interagency Rehabilitation and Disability (IRAD) Research Portfolio.



  • Theresa Cruz, PhD, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), cruzth@mail.nih.gov 
  • Daofen Chen, PhD, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), chend@ninds.nih.gov


Upcoming Meetings


  • 8/18/23


Activity Update


  • 04/21/23: The contractor is in the process of taking over data cleaning duties. More data is needed from agencies. NIDILRR leadership plans to put out a call for data later this year.
  • 03/17/23: The co-chair updated the group that her team plans to meet with the contractor to transfer data cleaning tasks to their team in order to streamline and speed up the process of uploading agencies' data to IRAD once the annual data call goes out.
  • 02/21/2023: The first ICDR lunch and learn webinar of the year provided an update regarding an overview of IRAD and its capabilities. The work group is planning to put out a call for additional data from member agencies later this year.
  • 01/20/23: The group is continuing to work on upgrades to IRAD and complete the transition away from the Federal Reporter. The team hopes to be able to collect more data over the coming year.
  • 03/18/22: The team is currently working on adding additional data. The goal is to advertise in June 2022 the addition of significantly more data to IRAD. Currently, IRAD has been linking to the Federal Reporter; however, this site has been shut down. The group consensus is that it would be best to remove the links for the 2016 data, link to the NIH Reporter for data from 2017 and on where available, and to link to a site each agency indicates for data not available through NIH Reporter.
  • 1/21/22: While more data is needed, the group suggested that it may be time to launch IRAD and then continue to incorporate new data moving forward. The site will still be a useful resource to the public while data is continuing to be added. The disability community has expressed interest in the launch of the site.
  • 08/20/21: NINDS has copied all the data over. The URL to IRAD will be slightly different. The new site will be much more user friendly for data entry. The site will be made 508 compliant and mobile friendly before being made public.
    07/16/21: The rollout of IRAD will be a phased process, which will begin next week. NINDS did not express any concerns about completing the transition by the end of the fiscal year.
  • 04/16/21: Once the website is ready, the plan is to have a coordinated effort across agencies to announce it. NIH and NIDILRR met with NIH PR in December to put together a plan for those announcements, but the team is still working through technical issues with the site.
  • 03/19/21: Now that the website is up, the GWI Working Group's focus is to get all of the technical glitches out before advertising or publicizing it. The sites move to NINDS is expected to take around 6 months. This transition will give the site a more permanent home and will allow for some additional functionalities.
  • 02/12/21: The team is working on uploading all of the data to the website, with a focus on quality control. Once it’s confirmed that all data is uploaded and they get verification, the team will move forward with announcing and advertising IRAD. After FY 2021, IRAD will be housed within NINDS. 
  • 01/08/21: The website went live a few weeks ago with NIH data. The team is working to add the other agency data. NIH’s communication office has been working with ACL to coordinate the messaging surrounding the website launch. The communications office will be reaching out to other agencies to ensure that each agency is engaged to create a consistent and united message. The NIH library does not plan to host the website after FY 2021, as they will no longer support this type of work, so another home for the website will be needed. NIH is working with NIDILLR to identify a solution. 
  • 10/09/20: The NIH library team currently has the website up on the developer-side. The first phase of the site will be done in time for the rehab conference next week (October 15-16, 2020).
  • 08/14/20: The website team is on track for an October launch. The site name will be: The Interagency Rehabilitation and Disability (IRAD) Research Portfolio. A demo was provided of the website and members were walked through some of the functionality and the main architecture of the site.
  • 07/10/20: The website team has started to build it this week. They will be able to demo the shell of the website during the August meeting and should have the first phase of the site live during the first/second week of October.
  • 06/19/20: The website team is getting ready for a July 13 or July 20 kick-off. From then, there is a timeline of twelve weeks to get the website up. The site will start with NIH and NIDILRR data and add to it as more data is submitted.
  • 04/10/20: GWI leadership had a walk-through from the developer on potential site capabilities in March. Work is continuing on refining the data from the CDC and the VA. Leadership is working to connect with NSF and DoD to include their 2016 data.
  • 03/13/20: The working group is continuing to gathering and refine the 2016 data, including VA, NIH, CDC, and NIDILRR. NSF may be included in this phase, or in 2017 phase. NIH has been spot-checking grants using the disability fingerprint.
  • 01/29/20: The GWI Working Group has been meeting regularly, and are moving forward with activities. They expect to get 2016 grant data online by the end of February. Grants will be from NIDILRR, NIH, and CDC, with VA to be added in the next phase. Next, 2017 data will be added and more agencies will be included. After the data goes live in February, the ontology information will be shared.
  • 09/11/19: The GWI Working Group continues to work with interagency colleagues. The group has developed a fingerprint of systems to create a structured search. This has allowed for narrowed search results. Current work entails working with the NIH Library to curate datasets from multiple agencies into one dataset. This will allow for annual reporting numbers.
  • 05/08/19: The Government-Wide Inventory (GWI) has a draft ontology. The working group has refined their efforts by examining how different agencies categorize their data, and is trying to eliminate research that is not relevant to disability. Unifying the disability ontology may require ICDR member discussions to clarify the definition of disability across involved agencies. These discussions and clarifications may result in a phasic inclusion of items in the GWI.


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Last Modified: 11/17/2023