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Interagency Committee on Disability Research

Shaping the future of disability research

Home / Resources / Federal Disability Research Resources / Relevant Agencies

Relevant Agencies


This section contains information about federal entities involved in disability, independent living, and rehabilitation research, policies, and programs. To suggest an agency or organization to this list, please contact ICDRinfo@neweditions.net.


Administration for Children and Families logo
Administration for Community Living logo
Administration on Disabilities logo
Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality logo
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention logo
Indian Health Service logo
National Aeronautics and Space  Administration logo
National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research logo
National Institutes of Health logo
National Science Foundation logo
Office of Disability Employment Policy logo
Small Business Administration logo
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Statistics logo
U.S. Access Board logo
Department of Defense seal
Department of Education logo
Health and Human Services seal
Bureau of Indian Affairs seal
Department of Transportation seal
Veterans Affairs seal
USA.gov logo

Last Modified: 11/17/2023